If you’ve ever tried to apply kids sunscreen to a wiggling child, you’ll understand that it’s no small feat. Far from being happy to cooperate, they move around, they complain, and do everything they can to get away from you - so it’s a bit like trying to tame a wildcat! As a parent, you just want to make sure their delicate skin is safeguarded against the damage that sun exposure can cause.
Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before sun exposure.
The quandary is - how to put sunscreen on a toddler who wants absolutely nothing to do with it?? Don’t worry, we understand that it’s a common problem and we’re here to help! We’ve brought together some of the best Blue Lizard Sunscreen hacks to make your life easier. Playing outdoors without sunscreen isn’t an option, so it’s time to get creative. Here are 4 tips that will turn applying sunscreen to your child from a stressful event to a fun adventure.
Tip #1 - Combine a Kids Stick Sunscreen With a Spray

When you watch your young child putting on sunscreen, it’s often a bit slapdash. While dermatologists often recommend a sunscreen lotion to make sure you’re getting even coverage, a stick sunscreen combined with a spray sunscreen can make this much easier—and less messy!—to accomplish. A solid stick is often easier for a toddler to control and is just like coloring! Have your toddler swipe the stick sunscreen back and forth on the area four times. Then have them rub it in.
The great thing about stick sunscreens is that you can say ‘yes’ when they scream “I want to do it!”. Most kids are able to cover the bulk of the face and body, and if it means they stop wriggling, then great! You’re there to cover the bits they miss, so it’s all good! While a stick sunscreen is great for helping your toddler apply their own sunscreen to their face and ears, a spray sunscreen is great for applying to larger areas such as stomachs, legs, arms and backs. You’ll need to help your toddler with this phase to make sure they do not spray it in their face and that they get the best coverage. They can still be a big kid and help by rubbing the spray sunscreen into their skin.
Tip #2 - Teach Them How to Make Applying Sunscreen Fun!

Why do kids wriggle when you’re trying to apply sunscreen? That’s right, it’s because they think that there’s fun to be had elsewhere! So, if you’re wondering ‘how to get my child to apply sunscreen themselves?’ it’s about bringing the fun to them. There are lots of ways you can do this, but the best strategy is by focusing on things you know they like doing. For example, if they love having a sing-song, why not make up a sunscreen song for when you are applying it together? Or what about racing to see who gets finished first!
Adding Fun Into the Equation Means It’s No Longer a Chore!
Other ways to make applying sunscreen fun include:
★ Describe application to your kids as putting on face paint
★ Organize a sunscreen ‘train’ where everyone applies it to the person in front
★ Draw some shapes with the stick and get them to fill them in
★ Arrange application around a game of ‘Simon Says’
However you get there, make it enjoyable. Do so and next time it comes around, you might even find that they’re the ones reminding you that they need to apply it!
Tip #3 - Introduce It As Part of Your ‘Leaving the House’ Routine

They say that it takes 21 days for an action to become a habit, so why not introduce it as part of your ‘leaving the house’ routine? Kids often wriggle out of excitement of what’s to come, especially if you’re doing something fun like swimming or going to the park. Create a Sunscreen Routine & It Can Stay With Your Kids For Life. However, if you all put sunscreen on every day before going out as standard, they’ll naturally see it simply as something they need to do. If your kids see you using it, they will understand that it’s safe, and will want to be just like you. As part of their routine, applying beach sunscreen will seem as normal as putting on shoes - meaning less wriggling!
Tip #4 - Choose the Best Kids Sunscreen Brand

Another great way to prevent your kids from complaining and struggling when applying sunscreen is to use a quality mineral sunscreen brand. At Blue Lizard Sunscreen, we offer healthier and cleaner sunscreen that makes the whole process of applying sunscreen safer and easier.
There’s nothing worse than planning a day of fun in the sun and getting a sunburn or having an allergic reaction because you’re sunscreen didn’t do it’s job. That’s why our sunscreens use dermatologist-trusted, broad spectrum mineral zinc oxide and do not contain parabens or fragrances.
Blue Lizard Sunscreen - The Perfect Antidote for Wiggly Kids!
So, if you’re having issues with knowing how to apply sunscreen to kids who just won’t sit still, why not try these tips out? Having the right products and the right approach can make all the difference. Plus, if you can instill an understanding of the importance of sunscreen at an early age, you’ll encourage behaviors that will stay with them for a lifetime.
We want to hear your tips! Share them with us on our Instagram and Facebook pages.