New Year’s resolutions for healthy skin

Person tying shoelaces on a track with a jump rope nearby

As we get ready to bid goodbye to the previous year and welcome in the New Year, lots of folks will be making (and breaking) New Year’s resolutions.

While some resolutions such as losing weight and not eating sweets might not make it past mid-January, there are a few resolutions you should make and keep for the next year – these resolutions will protect your skin and minimize your risks for skin cancer and skin aging.

Make a promise to use sunscreen all year-round.

Maybe you are conscientious about using sunscreen in the summer months but forget about it the rest of the year – now is the time to make a resolution to make sunscreen a part of your daily routine this year. Blue Lizard Face is a great lightweight moisturizer to wear under makeup or on your face all year-round. It doesn’t clog pores as it protects with an SPF 30+.

Pledge to NEVER use a tanning bed.

If you’ve been guilty of indoor tanning in the past, vow to stop forever. Indoor tanning has been shown to increase your risk for developing deadly melanoma by 74 percent. If you like the look of sun-kissed skin, use one of the many self-tanners available on the market but save your skin by pledging to never use a tanning bed again.

Pledge to check your skin regularly for changes.

Pick one day a week where you check your skin for any changes to moles or other variations. Have your partner check hard-to-see areas and you can do the same for him or her. Make this a regular part of your weekly routine so you’ll be more likely to notice any changes to moles and catch any potential skin cancers early, when they are highly treatable.

Promise to get an annual skin check with a dermatologist.

Go ahead and schedule an annual skin check with a dermatologist now for next year. While checking your own skin regularly is important, it’s also extremely important to get that yearly check by a professional. Don’t put it off - vow to make this a priority this year.

And finally, promise to use only Blue Lizard Sunscreen this year!

Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year!

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